Facts About Milk | World Milk Day 2020

Facts About Milk | World Milk Day 2020

Milk is one of the most nutritious item in everybody's diet plan. It is a white nutritious liquid produced in the mammary glands of mammals. We all know that it is the primary source of nutrition for infants before they are able to digest other types of food. We all like different dishes made using milk ranging from milk tea to ice creams and puddings. 1 June 2020 is celebrated as World's Milk Day 2020 to raise awareness about the role of dairy's in healthy diet and supporting livelihoods and communities. On this special day , let us look at some interesting facts about milk.
Facts About Milk | World Milk Day 2020

1. Expensive Milk

Donkey milk is the most expensive milk! However Donkey's does not produce much milk as Cow's do, but Donkey milk have lot of medicinal values to cure cold,cough and breathing ailments among the children. One pound of cheese made from donkey milk costs about 1000 dollars. You can read more about donkey milk here .

2. Tooth Paste milk

What if i say , some milk's consistency looks like tooth paste! Yes, Whale's milk has 30-50% fat content and have a tooth paste like consistency. Check here for more details.

3.Plastic From Milk

In this world where there are lot of campaigns to reduce use of plastics, Milk is used to produce a type of plastic which is biodegradable, odorless, antistatic ,insoluble in water and virtually non flammable. Read about it here . 

4. How much milk a Cow produce

What about 350 K glass of milk ? A cow produce 350000 glass of milk in its entire lifetime or almost 24 litres daily.

5. Substitute of Calcium from Milk

What if you don't like milk and still needs calcium for your body. You have to eat seven oranges or six slice of wheat breads and 1/4 cup of broccoli to get the calcium in a 8 ounce glass of milk.

6. Calcium Robber

Despite the good effects of milk, studies proved that milk has negative effects to our body. Every glass of milk leaches calcium from our bone. Medical studies has found that people who consume cow's milk have higher fracture rate than others.

7.Best Milk for Weight loss

Almond milk is the best option for those looking trying to loss weight. Almond milk have low calories and proteins. It have less saturated fat and more unsaturated fat compared to cow milk. Almond milk is the most consumed plant based milk in European countries. Read more about Almond Milk here .

8.Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk

 What if i say Goat milk is the most consumed milk all over the world. We have to accept the fact that 65% of  the milk consumption world wide is from Goat's Milk.

9. Illegal Sardinian Cheese

The sardianian cheese is illegal since the cheese is obtained by killing an infant goat. The milk is fermented in a new born baby goat's stomach, after killing the goat, the stomach filled with milk is hung for months. The milk will harden into cheese.

10. Expensive Dairy Product

The most expensive dairy product in the world is a cheese made from moose milk. The speciality of this cheese is that ,it is only produced in a farm in Sweden by Christer and Ulla Johansson. It costs abut 1011 dollar per kilogram. 

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